- an infant's bed or crib, typically one mounted on rockers.
synonyms:crib, bassinet, cot, rocker
"the baby's cradle" - a framework resembling a cradle, in particular.
- hold gently and protectively.
"she cradled his head in her arms"
synonyms:hold, support, pillow, cushion, shelter, protect; More - place (a telephone receiver) in its cradle.
From The Scottish Bard
"I caught up a blanket from the cradle,--I am not going to throw away that good old word for the ugly outlandish name they give it now, reminding one only of a helmet,--I caught up a blanket from the cradle, I say, wrapped it round the treasure, which was shooting its arms and legs in every direction like a polypus feeling after its food,--and rushed down stairs, and down the precipice into the study. ..."