Drake McCarty’s leg was shattered deep in the wilderness, and as the flash flood closed over him, he looked death in the face.
When he wakes up in a hospital bed, in a military base that shouldn’t exist, he has a whole leg and a furious sister to deal with.
Drake is sworn to keep a secret he doesn’t understand, but whatever pulled him out of the flood, isn’t quite done with him yet, because even if you leave nothing but footprints, the things that walk the forest can still follow you home.
Excerpt 31
“So you are telling me we are missing a three ton alien?” Demanded a voice in nearly a shriek.
The pasty faced man in a three piece pinstriped suit stared flabbergasted at the one star general in front of him. General Hall sighed and rubbed his wrinkled forehead tiredly. The old air conditioner that took up the majority of his window labored loudly but seemed to only produce hot air.
“Bard is not ‘missing’ Senator,” he began patiently.
“He did not show up in the roll call when I arrived for a planned meeting!” the senator spluttered. “You do not know where he is. That counts as missing in my book!”
“He was out roaming in the designated area when his path home was cut off by the National Park search and rescue party,” the general patiently explained. “It has happened before. It will probably happen again. We have protocols for this situation.”
“So you just let them wander willy-nilly over public land any time they want to?” the senator demanded. “This right after he was exposed to a civilian?”
“No Sir! We do not.”
The words were spoken calmly but there was a bite to them that had not been there before. The old man stood firmly and stepped out from behind the desk to face the politician directly.
“The treaty we have with the visitors is plain as day on where and when they are allowed to explore or recreate,” he growled in a voice that had cowed hundreds of warriors in its day. “Bard is frankly the only one who has taken advantage of it in decades. I assure you that he is somewhere within the confines of the Park. That we have not heard from him is entirely due to him following the protocols as written.”
The raw power that the old general exuded washed against the younger man and left him more than a bit nervous.
“Well, if as you say he is following protocol-” the senator muttered.
“He is,” the general stated.
“Then there should be no problem,” the senator offered.
“No, there will not,” the general confirmed.
Science Fantasy Adventure Story
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