Today is #InternationalDance day. As an author with very little natural physical grace or hand eye coordination I have always admired those artists with those skill sets . Of course when it comes to writing dancing this requires quite a bit of research on the part of a non-dancing author. This is where research gets fun. If an author can find a willing dance teacher, sitting in on a class or two is enlightening and entertaining.
For #NationalSuperheroDay a review of a delightfully refreshing take on the superhero genre.
"Wearing the Cape" Afterwards they called it "The Event", or whatever that translated to in other languages. For a handful of seconds the entire world blanked out, from supercomputers, to flashlights, to human brains. When the lights came back on the world was in chaos, and from the ashes rose astounding heros, and villians. Marion G. Harmon has created a world where super powered humans make sense. Scientists freak out over the laws of physics being ignored and the sigh, grit their teeth and amend their theories accordingly. Into this world where international powers are rearranging and a single individual can stand in for an army steps Hope. She is a self described pixy of a young woman who is hoping for one last growth spurt before she heads off to take University by storm. The the mysterious Teatime Anarchist drops an overpass on her. Granted he was aiming for the senator who was passing but Hope was the one caught in the blast, and Hope was the one who suddenly discovered that giant blocks of concrete and steel suddenly weren't that heavy anymore. In the aftermath she is offered an apprenticeship with her home city's local Superhero team. The characters are engaging and real from a girl who just wants to do the right thing, to her overprotective father with secrets of his own, to a quite old professor of ancient history who bequeaths her a wealth of knowledge and Malus (his distinctive mace only liftable by superheros). The situation the heroine finds herself in are so real they feel like the could have been lifted from any modern newspaper. This is a book that keeps you reading. Show, don't tell.
It is an old truism for authors that really works when applied, except when it doesn't of course. The author must strive to engage the reader and a long, dull description is not a good way to do that. The forest was beautiful. VS Towering conifers dimmed the noonday sun and hid a dozen micro-climes in the tangle of their roots. Today is #WorldPenguinDay In terms of adorable talking animals there are few that can match the sheer cuteness of a penguin. And give that most of the western world grew up learning about these black and white wonders of nature from a soothing British voice. Now David Attenborough was famous for his excellent diction and pronunciation, but not everyone has those skills. The concept of talking cats is well established in the written word, In fact the concept most likely predates the written word in most cultures. There is something about cats that makes humans expect, if not conversation, at least a few pithy words from the kitty. As a famous smiling cat once said.
"We're all a little mad here!" #MyTalkingCatSays Today is Earth Day...which can take on a very different meaning if you are writing science fiction.
#EarthDay Well not so much doom as an impending deadline. Does anyone else know a good universal metaphor for being so far behind schedule in everything that the deadline wolves are circling like...something?
Spring has firmly come to the Pacific Northwest and for the city of Salem, OR that means that Cherry City Comic Con is right around the corner. Every fandom from Star Trek to Farscape will be represented in the booths and "Dying Embers" Betty Adams will be there as well.
When I first started writing I assumed that I would be a comedy writer. After all I loved to make people laugh. My first several stories were upbeat, cheerful, and amusing. They received decent reviews on the websites that I posted them on and a reasonable amount of traffic. They I began to post a tragedy, My readership skyrocketed and the story's engagement in likes and comments surged, The takeaway was that people like having an author rip out their hearts and dance on its bleeding grave. That is how I got into writing "Dying Embers"
#MakeABookEmotional |
AuthorBetty Adams is an up and coming author with a bent for science and Sci-fi. Archives
August 2024