Quilx’tch was quite proud of himself for being able to identify the device. After all emergency safety equipment was not really in the traditional scope of a nutritional anthropologist. However when one worked with human one learned to expand ones horizons.
“The satellites are finally working over this area and from the looks of it there’s some awesome whitewater just south of here on the Widow Maker.” The human replied with a grin. Shifting the giant device easily on one shoulder. “Smitty and me are going to try it out.”
Quilx’tch carefully flexed the legs on one side to tilt his head in the manner that let the human know he was considering his words. “White” was the term the humans used for their inability to distinguish between the visible color spectrum when several wavelengths were present at one time, how this modified ‘water’ was uncertain.
“So why are you doing this?” Quilx’tch asked curiously.
“Cuz it’s gonna be fun!” the human replied with a wide and eager grin. “Hey! You want to come? It should be safe enough.”
Quilx’tch was sorely tempted to join in the recreation but every hair on his exoskeleton decided to fully extend at that moment.
“Awe, that is so cute when you do that!” the human crooned in genuine admiration and from the way his fingers were twitching Quilx’tch guessed he was fighting the urge to pet the anthropologist with his free hand.
“I am afraid I must decline,” Quilx’tch. “I have to prepare for a presentation.”
“Well have fun with that you geek,” the human flung the friendly insult at him cheerfully, and Quilx’tch chattered happily at his retreating back.
He had worked long and hard to integrate himself into the humans’ social structure and that they felt comfortable enough around him to revert to their habitual behavior pleased him to no end. Normally he tried to participate in as much of their recreational activities as he could but…
“Safe enough” paired with “fun” usually translated into “there is a greater than 80% chance that I can bring you back alive from this situation” usually followed by “hey, you can regenerate limbs right?”
For the moment Quilx’tch was quite content to go look up “white-water” and “flotation device” in the database for now.