It was the scattered piles of histories and biographies that Daddy left around with pictures of stern warriors and battleships on the covers. It was how no matter how bone tired he was he would always find time for them after work and after us.
It was the shiney science fiction novels that made Mommy's eyes light with excitement. Mommy, who "Wasn't really a reader," but who would dig into a book as thick as a brick and come out with tales of blue skinned princes and ships that spoke.
It was the hidden piles of lurid romance novels and dark Stephen King stories that were the only force on earth that could make my ADD ADHD poster child sister sit still for any length of time.
Some power gripped them all and I couldn't understand it, but dangnabbit I was going to figure it out! Finally I found my niche; talking animal stories, and I understood. But their fascination was the bait that kept me trying.