If you know such a person back away slowly and throw chocolate to distract them if they try and follow you. Seriously, that’s weird.
For the rest of us here on the interwebs go give Faux Pas a try. Oz Foxes used to be a daily strip in conventional newspapers and in terms of quality could easily hold its own in the running with Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, and Family Circus.
Randy is an actor and a good one. He has a range that includes James Bond and Macbeth and his face is a real money-maker. He would get a lot more work if his manager wasn’t a hen with delusions of competence, his mentor wasn’t distracted by his one-hundred forty-two children, and of course if Randy wasn’t owned by a fairly clueless set of humans. When the humans sell the farm things are hard enough without an invasion of cats and a new owner who doesn’t know that Arthur the horse is unrideable. Then a vixen strolls into the farm.
Faux Pas is a delightful romp through the life of an acting fox with more street smarts than forest wisdom. Romance, adventure, and lots of rabbits.