She had already witnessed ten generations of Parisians be born and die when monks carrying flowers in the pockets flung themselves at her alters to pray as the Black Plague stole a third of Europe.
She preserved untold knowledge while the world waited centuries for the printing press.
She stood at the heart of memory as Europe fell into darkness and then clawed it's way back into the light.
She watched monarchies, then empires rise and fall.
She watched the birth of modern warfare as Napoleon marched into Russia and crept back a beaten criminal.
She grew and expanded as times changed.
She watched war take to the sky in the War to End All Wars.
She watched the sky grow dim from smokestacks and then blurred from jet contrails.
She witnessed the industrial age and the space age.
She has remembered for us for near on a thousand years.
Now the world that she helped to birth must remember her.