Drake McCarty’s leg was shattered deep in the wilderness, and as the flash flood closed over him, he looked death in the face.
When he wakes up in a hospital bed, in a military base that shouldn’t exist, he has a whole leg and a furious sister to deal with.
Drake is sworn to keep a secret he doesn’t understand, but whatever pulled him out of the flood, isn’t quite done with him yet, because even if you leave nothing but footprints, the things that walk the forest can still follow you home.
Original Post: http://www.authorbettyadams.com/bettys-blog/after-action-excerpt-2-flying-sparks-a-dark-night-a-desperate-hunt-an-alien-surprise
Excerpt 3
About a third of the way down the trunk appeared to split. Half glided gently forward; roots reaching out to feel for firm footing before setting down. Then the entire mass of the trunk flowed forward, bark rustling, until all the weight was over the forward leg. Only then would the rearmost portion of the trunk begin its slow, careful way forward again. It was not a fast pace by any means, but by the time the sun set the tree had reached a rusty fence cutting through the forest like an arrow. The tree paused and silver light flickered out from cracks in the rough bark. A few hundred yards away a young guard in woodland camouflage started as his radio let out four piping notes. With a sigh that barely shifted the look of boredom on his face he turned to a rusted rolling gate, set his shoulder against the dirty steel, and pushed. After a crunch and a grind the gate parted with a jerk. The youth turned, saluted the empty forest and marched more-or-less briskly fifty paces into the woods. The tree raised one branch to its crest in the only sudden movement it had yet shown. For the moment the tip of the branch touched the trunk, the end of the limb formed into a human shaped hand, returning the salute. Then the tree strolled through the gate. The soldier returned to his post, wrestled the gate back into place, clicked a tarnished brass paddock into place, and made a rueful face at the damaged fence before resuming a slow steady walk along the perimeter.
Science Fantasy Adventure Story
100K Words
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Found Family
Science Fiction
Alternate History
First Contact
Family Friendly
Audio Narration and Animation