The four foot long lizard blinked lazily at him with one eye and gave a snort of amusement. "Well one might speculate that all that propaganda you sent out actually worked." The lizard rasped dryly.
"Propaganda?" Mack asked arching an eyebrow. "What propaganda?"
The lizard kicked him reproachfully and stretched out in the warm sand. "Do not try to be obtuse friend Mack. I have seen the entire set you keep in your files."
Mack gave an interrogative flick of his foot and the lizard snorted.
"I have watched the tales of the "Hale Hero on the Abominable World" many times. If only a fraction of the horrors he revealed were true no sane being would willing come here."
"You are here," Mack pointed out idly, meanwhile wracking his mind for which of his shows his friend was referring to.
"Well I have never laid claim to much sanity." The lizard confessed. "And I figured as long as I stick close to you I will be safe from the horrors the Hale One faced."
Mack squinted over at him as his mind finished his mental tally. "Hey, the only files of mine that you've accessed are the David Attenborough documentaries...."
The lizard made the great effort to nod. "A Hale Hero indeed," he said seriously. "The man must be quite mad of course to face such horrors so easily but his sacrifices are appreciated by all who have been warned away."
"....Uh-huh..." Mack eyed his friend and then decided that a nap was preferable to pursuing the odd conversation any longer.