Hello my wonderful viewers and welcome to another episode of Betty Adams Overanalyzes. This will be the spoiler free review and analysis of the Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 3 – Chapter 11- The Heiress. WayHAY and UP she rises have I mentioned that I positively adore this show? This episode was a master class is fake outs, visual artistic brilliance, staying true to your story and the stories that came before while forging new paths for the story.
You walk into a museum and take a deep breath of that museum smell. The air is cool around you but you know museums are like this. Something about preserving the artifacts. They must be cool and dry. You thought ahead and wore a warm sweater. It is almost too warm, a heavy knit thing that some uncle loaned your father in the far off time before you were. You let the fraying sleeves slip down past your hands as you wander towards the exhibit of paintings that the museum has been advertising for weeks. The initial crowds have come and gone. A single school group trots after an eager young teacher and you drift away from them to examine the paintings.
One catches your eye. It is mostly shades of blue and brown. A fishing port from a hundred years ago in some northern Eurasian coast. Dark clouds crowd the sky, the foreground is full of a thousand things, familiar and alien at the same time, fishing nets, pulleys interwoven with ropes, buckets, all just subtly different, made alien instead of merely mundane by the passage of that great old enemy, time.
Then you note what caught your eye. The old fisher man in the foreground, the one who glares at you from over his shoulder for interpreting his work, he is wearing the same sweater as you. Even in the broad stokes of the oil paint you can see the weave of the wool and you smile as you curl your fingers in the soft threads. You and this alien being share something.