Right Brian: Ooooo! Look at that lookatit lookie!
Left Brain: Hush! I am focusing on being helpful and making money thereby securing our place in the pack.
Left Brain: What is cool? Do you have an idea that will further our agenda? If so share it clearly and I will translate for the other pack members.
Right Brain: No, nope, that is so cool and it looks like a stegosaurus!
Left Brain: No it doesn't. Now if you don't have anything useful to add please go into dormancy mode until you do. I am keeping us fed.
Right Brain: Okay, but it *could* look like a stegosaurus if you did this.....
Left Brain: *sighs*
30 minutes later in the car
Left Brain: Okay the alpha pack member is driving so you can tell me your idea now. I know you have been working on it.
Left Brain: Hmmm, okay that could be a workable story idea. But let's look at the technical specs first and determine if there is a plausible reason why a colony would use giant robotic dinosaurs to terraform a planet.
Right Brain: RAPTORS! ICE! MARS!
Left Brain: No, the market is saturated with Martian stuff right now.
Right Brain: I can make you a different planet! T-Rexes! Sphere robots! Water!
Left Brain: Good, good, we are at a computer now so I can type this up. Keep it coming!
Right Brain: Oh, the body is tired. We should shut down and let it rest.
Left Brain: Unnecessary, this can be marketed and monetized and is therefore legitimate work. We can keep the body functional until one am easily. Keep up the stimulation to override the survival instinct.
Right Brain: Are you sure...OH! Water transport and algae and phytoplankton!
(and no I did not get enough sleep last night)