Hello my wonderful viewers and welcome to another episode of Betty Adams over analyzes. Today we are looking at season 2 episode 8 of Glitch Techs. Settling the Score.
This was the episode that took my opinion of the Miko is a glitch theory and turned it right on it’s head. Now do remember I still don’t believe that Miko, nor any of the techs, are glitches per sey. A glitch is by definition a malfunctioning and undirected set of plixils and a deliberately created, fully intelligent and aware person make of plixils is by very definition not a glitch. However I am now seventy-five percent sure that Miko at the very least has an artificial body. Now I am not going to spoil the sudden and jarring plot twist that upset my theories this hard. It is glaringly obvious and I trust that my wonderful viewers can spot it on their own.