A 30 something in a battered hoodie jumping rope (a very pink jump rope) in the middle of a parking lot surrounded by eight feet of snow on either side. (Acclimating to elevation is important but not always dignified.)
Walking into a break room where nobody knows you and helping yourself to the tea kettle. (Seasonal work.)
Saying 'Hi' enthusiastically to that guy you've worked with for six seasons and then pausing awkwardly because neither of you remember's the others' name. You are both aware of this. Neither wants to be the first to ask. (Nick? Mal? Nat?) Oh well, tomorrow we will all have name tags on.
Rolling around in the snow with a pair of friendly huskies. (Hey dude. I don't care if we've never met. It has been four seconds and your dogs like me and I like them.)
Talking animatedly with your favorite trees. (Oh! Who is strong enough to not get flattened by the snow this year? You are! Who's a good conifer?)
Dancing to classic country music in the snow shelter. (The acoustics are amazing in big log cabins.)