For some horrible reason all the libraries closed Sunday and most of them closed Saturday as well. Here I was with two whole twenty-four hour days and not one single open library within seventy miles! I know because I had all of the phone numbers and schedules memorized. All of the books I had checked out the previous Monday were finished and sitting in my bookbag gathering dust. So Monday dawned and I raced off to school. As soon as the final bell rang I was headed into town like a story seeking missile. There were books to be returned and more to check out. If I was lucky someone had donated a new Sci-fi book as I had read all the existing ones.
There were always #MondayMotivations for me as a child.
Getting a standard forty hour a week job did put a crimp in the system for me and I began to appreciate my Saturdays and Sundays a bit more. But the libraries still open on Monday.