So I have several books on various retailers, you know what they are if you've been around for more than 24 hrs. When I first uploaded them I only used the basic 6"x9" paperback format as that was the standard. Even learning how to format that was a bear of a job, and spatial reasoning *hurts* so I was pretty proud of myself.
While doing that I saw that hardcovers were a preset option so I formatted a hardcover too. It was also 6"x9" so the difference in formatting wasn't great, but the process was still painful for me. I was pleasantly surprised that the hardcovers sold so well, not often, but consistently and I was happy for the money from the sales.
Large print was also an option and is defined as a book with font from 16 to 20. Now my Grandma needs large print now so I understand the need, but to be frank I only decided to put myself through the mental stress of making a large print format of my books for the prospect of more money.
However then I noticed my first large print sale, and when I thought about it, it felt good. Someone spent the extra six bucks to purchase the large print version over the regular version. They probably needed it. So someone was made more comfortable, someone's enjoyment of life was enhanced the smallest bit, because I sat down and formatted a print version of a large font book.
It felt good.
That is all.