“So it turns out that while I was gone my kid sister saved up her money from sitting and bought me this sweet snowboard,” Human Friend Jameson said, his voice full of eagerness.
Human Friend Jameson was leaning over the cafeteria table eagerly, seemingly heedless of the food on his tray as he gestured at his friend with his fork. The other human seemed completely nonplused by this despite the seven inches of carbon infused steel being quite capable of being a deadly weapon in the hands of Jameson. Indeed, Kixxitac’ll had once seen his friend slay a decently sized predator with a similar implement.
Kixxitac’ll shifted the six limbs he was currently ambulating on in the direction of Jameson and his audience. A tray identical to the ones in front of the humans was suspended lightly between his too foremost legs and on it was balanced his usual liquid nutrients along with a packet of the human delicacy known as flavored gelatin. The cafeteria had produced a new flavor today and Kizzitac’ll was eager to try it. What better conditions than with Human Friend Jameson who also had selected a (much larger) portion of the food?
“Hey Kixx have a seat,” Jameson greeted him before resuming his presentation to his friends.
“Thank you Human Friend Jameson,” Kixxitac’ll replied as he set his tray to the left of Jameson’s, giving the human maneuvering room.
“Anyway,” Jameson continued. “She wants to take me out on Mount Bachelor as soon as I am out of quarantine and Mom says that I should bring friends. Any takers?”
There was the usual chorus of disappointed refusals. Most of which seemed to center on the fact that the majority of the marines around him also had plans with their families during that time frame. Two however assured Jameson that they were eager to accompany him on his excursion and they confirmed dates and times of meeting. A few dispersed and Kixxitac’ll finished his nutrients.
“Human Friend Jameson,” he greeted his companion who was now eagerly spooning the gelatin into his mouth. “Do you find the new flavor pleasant.”
“It’s okay,” Jameson said dipping his shoulders in a way that indicated either a lack of knowledge or strong emotion. “One kind is pretty much like another.”
“I would have to disagree,” Kixxitac’ll objected. “I much prefer the blue flavor.”
“Well maybe you can get some on leave,” Jameson offered.
“Perhaps,” Kixxitac’ll considered his next words carefully. “Do they have such things at this Mount Bachelor place you spoke of?”
“I think so,” Jameson said. “Why do you ask? Oh.”
Kixxitac’ll prided himself on his ability to read the incredibly flexible human face and noted precisely when Jameson divined his meaning.
“Do you not wish me to come?” Kixxitac’ll asked. “Please remember we have pledged honesty to each other.”
“No, no,” Jameson hurriedly assured him. “I would love for you to come. It is just that the facilities are not set up for you yet and the climates is fairly extreme.”
Kixxitac’ll tilted his body to the side curiously and Jameson activated the wrist mounted holoprojector all of the humans wore. The skin on his wrist lit up first of a blindingly reflective surface that made Kixxitac’ll flinch back and then switched to a rather cozy looking interior that indeed was fitted for the massive bodies of humans and not for his own smaller frame.
“What is the climate?” He asked, shuddering at the image of the white crystal ground cover.
“Well here is this week’s weather data,” Jameson said scrolling through a few more pages.
Kixxitac’ll stared blankly at the display for a moment before turning fully to Jameson’s face.
“There must be some mistake in that data,” Kixxitac’ll said firmly. “Otherwise you are telling me you are knowing exposing your beloved nestmate to prolonged temperatures below the freezing point of water.”
Jameson laughed. “She loves it bud! You should see her pull the halfpipe!”