“It is a shame,” Rollsaround commented as he swam easily along the aquatic third of the corrider .
“What’s a shame Rolls?” Human Friend Gabby asked.
“That you and the only other human on base have so little in common,” Rollsaround said in a sad tone.
Gabby’s bipedal, falling tread caught and then stopped as she glanced at him. Her face contorted in confusion wrinkles and her head tilted to the side as she tried to fix her hearing on him.
“Say what now?” she finally articulated.
He rolled and swam back to her. He thrust over half of his mass out of the water so she could hear him more clearly.
“I said, it is a shame that you and the only other human on base have so little in common,” he repeated.
“Alex?” Human Friend Gabby said. “What are you talking about we have tons in common.”
“Really?” Rollsaround stiffened in surprise.
“We are the same age,” Gabby said holding up one of her adorably short segmented hand appandages. “We have basically the same higher education degree. Heck, just having a degree gives us a lot more in common than most humans. We have basically the same ethnic makeup. She dresses and grooms basically the same way that I do. Honestly I’m thinking of having our genetics compared because it wouldn’t surprise me at all if we were fairly close cousins one way or another. We have tons in common. What on Earth gave you the idea we didn’t have much in common?”
“But,” Rollsaround gave a frustrated roll. “You argue over every topic you discuss.”
Gabby narrowed the fleshy flaps over her binocular eyes and pressed the fleshy flaps over her teeth.
“That?” She finally asked. “That is just more of us being the same. We have the same contrary sense of humor. You have noted that most of our contradictory statements are utterly, well mad basically.”
“I had noted,” Rollsaround said cautiously. “I assumed your fury with each other simply impaired your reasoning capacity.”
“Huh,” Human Friend Gabby’s stripes flushed with a sudden concern. “If it’s freaking out the base I suppose we can rein it in.”
“That might be advisable,” Rollsaround admitted.
“Well thanks for bringing it up Rolls,” Human Friend Gabby said with a wave. “I wouldn’t have wanted our verbal sparring to interfere with the function of the base. Someone might have called in the counselors or some nonsense like that.”
“We wouldn’t want that,” Rollsaround said quickly. “I will see you tomorrow Human Friend Gabby.”
He ducked under the surface of the water and accelerated towards his office. He might be just in time to delete the message to the Core Intraspecies Counseling Office before the next data dump.