“Do you know why we called you in to talk today?” Fifteenth Sister asked.
The human shifted uneasily in his chair and glanced anywhere but at her gleaming faceted eyes.
Fifteenth Sister made a quick mental check of her expression. She hoped she wasn’t displaying human aggression signals. Her mandibles rested in a closed but not tight position, her antenna were perked in interest, and her head was slightly tilted to the side to give her the best focus on the human.
“I really don’t,” the human finally said.
Fifteenth Sister flicked her antenna in acknowledgment.
“I am afraid that Amblesalong had some concerns about you health,” Fifteenth Sister informed him.
“Okay…” the human tightened the fleshy covering over his disconcerting single point eyes.
That meant he was focusing his attention on her, waiting for further information, she remembered.
“Yes,” Fifteenth Sister went on, “he was concerned that you had not reported intaking enough nutrients to maintain your health.”
“Dude,” the human muttered as his gaze dropped to his hands and the smooth expanse of his forehead wrinkled in a fascinating manner.
She took the totality of his reactions to me he was pondering this information.
“Don’t know where he gets off saying that,” the human finally said. “I’ve been eating plenty and I reported all of it in my daily log.”
“Here is your log,” Fifteenth Sister pulled up the table on the holographic display.
She was increasingly gratefully that their sight overlapped enough that they could share this most efficient display method.
“Can you confirm that these are the inputs you entered?” She asked.
“Yeah,” the human said after a moment. “That seems about right.”
“According to this,” Fifteenth Sister said. “You have consumed primarily simple, dead carbohydrates for the past three days.”
“Yeah,” the human bobbed his head vigorously in a manner that would have indicated serious neural dysfunction in a Shatar. “Since the party, we’ve been going through the remaining party food.”
“Amblesalong assures me that this is a wholly inadequate diet for your species,” Fifteenth Sister observed. “He even suggested that if you continued this pattern it could start showing serious medical effects within days.”
“Yeah well,” the human raised and lowered his shoulders, “the chocolate cake is almost gone so it’ll be fine. I mean I won’t get scurvy in three days.”
Fifteenth Sister felt her antenna curl in annoyance and worked to keep her frill level. She had been warned about human carelessness about their nutrient health. She would deal with this like a professional.