Alien: "Why did you shoot that animal?!"
Human: "Because it had six inch fangs, forward facing eyes, and was CHARGING AT US!"
Alien: "What? Why? How does that justify killing it?"
Human: "Look it wasn't sentient right?"
Alien: "Well no....but-"
Human: "Look, I'm not getting eaten so the geeks can study a large predator!"
Then the aliens get to Earth and see the wildlife and read the stats and are O_O.
Alien: "Friend Human, it says here there three humans were killed by deer in your tribal group alone. What time frame is this over?"
Human: "Oh yeah, sad about that, that was this year. It was over average because of this family in a station wagon."
Alien: " have to note your deaths from dangerous wild animals in terms of incidences per year?"
Human: "Yeah, but hey, deer aren't really dangerous animals. I mean that was an accident."
Aliens: "So there are animals that kill humans deliberately?"
Human: "Well the biggest issue is mosquitoes and I wouldn't call that deliberate. But yeah, lions and tigers and bears and all that."
Alien: "I think I need to update the human psychological profile."
Human: "Whatever Friend Undulate, I gotta get going."
Alien: "Ah yes, you are off to a recreational event. What was it?"
Human: "The rodeo."