“I can’t say that further optimizing the solar radiation shielding would have anything but marginal effects on grain yield until we …”
Specialist Feathering ceased speaking and blinked in annoyance at the private who was shifting his paws uneasily on the plating of the deck craning his head around. The youngster, still bright green around his scutes, was clearly looking up and down the corridor for something that had caught his attention.
“My most sincere apologies if the growth of the foodstuffs for this entire sector is boring you,” Specialist Feathering said. “Is there something else that is a higher priority?”
The private jerked his head back to Specialist Feathering and clicked his teeth together in embarrassment.
“So sorry! But sir...Specialist...don’t you feel that?” the private asked, spreading his paw pads over the deck plating, his inner eyelids blinking with real distress.
With a sigh Specialist Feathering set his datapad down and spread his paws on the plating. Sure enough the kinetic conductive material carried an odd thumping rhythm. Specialist Feathering debated the used of explaining to yet another green-washed hatchling and decided against it. Instead he picked up his datapad, tucked it into his pack, and set off down the corridor with a beckoning wave of his tail. The private followed in obvious relief.
Not two turns down the corridor they came across the source of the odd rhythm. One Ranger Billy Bob Jones was moving down the corridor, twisting and flinging his body about in the strangest way.
“Oh!” the private spoke up suddenly, his eye alight with understanding. “The human is practicing the Undulate language in his spare time!”
The human in question stopped at the sound and leapt nearly a tail’s thickness into the air, releasing a startled yelp.
“No he was not,” Specialist Feathering said as the human came to a swaying stop, clutching his chest.
He saw the light of understanding dim to perplexed mulling in the private’s eyes.
“Ranger Billy Bob!” Specialist Feathering snapped. “Please explain your behavior to this green-washed scute-for-brains so we can actually get some grist over the mills today!”
The human’s face ripped into a lopsided ‘grin’ as he glanced between them.
“Just bopping out to the music,” he said.
“Bopping out?” the private asked, his tongue flicking out as if he was trying to taste the word.
“Dancing!” the human explained quickly.
“What music?” the private asked. “I thought our hearing was much in the same range but I did not perceive any sound other than your … feet?”
“Oh!” the human laughed and tapped the side of his head. “It’s all up here!”
There was a long moment of silence as the young private looked at the human in perplexity.
“You hare an implant for internal playback of music?” the private asked in hesitant tones.
“What? No!” Ranger Billy Bob exclaimed. “I’m just … remember the music? Using my brain I meant.”
The two young creatures stared at each other for another long moment.
“So you were dancing to remembered music,” the private said, “in public corridors.”
“Is that against base rules?” the human asked, his strange, mud like face wrinkling in perplexity.
“No,” Specialist Feathering cut in. “No it is not, and now that the private’s curiosity has been satisfied we will now return to work. Enjoy your recreation time and don’t step on anyone Ranger Billy Bob.”
“Sure thing Specialist Feathering!” the human called out before beginning to bounce down the corridor.
The private looked at Specialist Feathering his eyes practically bursting with questions. Specialist Feathering deliberately pulled out his datapad and activated it.
“Now, as I was saying. Optimizing the radiation levels will be pointless until we figured out the mineral balance.”
Flying Sparks - A Novel – An Old Mystery
Drake McCarty’s leg was shattered deep in the wilderness, and as the flash flood closed over him, he looked death in the face.
When he wakes up in a hospital bed, in a military base that shouldn’t exist, he has a whole leg and a furious sister to deal with.
Drake is sworn to keep a secret he doesn’t understand, but whatever pulled him out of the flood, isn’t quite done with him yet, because even if you leave nothing but footprints, the things that walk the forest can still follow you home.
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