It is with great excitement that I announce my first novel contract. Malachite Quills Publishers has accepted my manuscript Dying Embers and are moving forward with their Bookstart campaign.
What is Bookstart?
Well I am glad you asked. Bookstart is the same basic crowd-sourcing concept as Kickstart and other such sites. In order to determine the public’s desire for a story portions of the story are provided and individuals can bid for a list of rewards. If the funding reaches $1500 the book gets published. If not no deal. That initial grand and a half goes to paying taxes, the editor, and the illustrator.
Once the funding video is up and running I will post links to it.
After the Bookstart campaign the manuscript will be put through editing and publishing. Once all the reward books are sent out the real selling can begin.
I will be handling my own marketing campaign with the help of my minions. So if anyone knows of bookstores or coffee shops looking to host a book signing for an up and coming local author give a shout out!
For now here is a short excerpt from the book.
Ama smiled down at Sky’s worried face. A quick glance confirmed that Comet was gliding the currents and Stormy was chasing the ball around the far corner of the chamber.
“What’s the matter Sky?”
“Daddy,” the little one whispered.
“Daddy is sleeping. You need to leave him be,” Amadahy stated firmly, surprised the ember had asked for permission.
“Sorry,” the smallest sibling seemed to shrink even more. “But wanted to talk but Daddy no wake up. I try.”
Amadahy felt an odd little twist in her heart. She shoved it down and strode over to where Drake lay. The biologist rested her fingers on his carotid artery. His pulse was fast and thready. She placed her hand on his shoulder and her fingers brushed against something hard, like metal under the skin. Frowning she gave the young man a gentle shake.
“Drake,” she called out firmly, to no response, “Drake!”