If ever an author chose an appropriate name to put on his covers it was Stephen King. The author is the number one best single seller in any category. According to some raking in half of all the money spent on books worldwide. With over seventy published novels you cannot be literate in English and not be aware of at least one of his books.
That said.
This author has never read the entirety of one of his books. Nor do I ever plan to.
Once, alone in the attic I put out my eight year old hand and picked up one off of the shelf. It was a two inch thick paperback; white with black flecks all over it. It was not forbidden in the house, our parents forbade very little, but they looked on it with mild irritation. My older sister, the fearless one, had stacks of his books. When she read them her sky-blue eyes glittered with delight. I had been capable of reading since I was five by only during the last year had my reading skill increased to the point that I had discovered the joy of reading. I was ready for one of the big sister books. I can't remember how many pages I read, I can't remember what my emotions were while I read them, I can't remember when I put it back in its haphazard place on the shelf, I don't even remember what conclusion I came too those near three decades ago now. But I do remember that though I read voraciously in ever genre, I never again picked up one of those thick paperbacks that littered our house.
Later I would come to understand that I was very sensitive to dark mental images. That I had a sort of mental allergy to the horror genre that extended to movies, books, and the spoken word. It was no wonder that I shied away from its King.
So here is my question. If I pretended for a moment that I might be convinced to read King, is there anyone out there who would want to convince me?
What arguments could you make to sell the master of the darkness?